Your teenager may need adolescent depression treatment for a variety of reasons. In many cases, that reason is the presence of major depressive illness, better known as major depression. However, your child may also have a unique subtype of major depression called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Like other forms of depression, SAD is highly treatable. With the right kind of help, seasonal depression in teens can be properly addressed so your teenager can recover a life of well-being.
Are you looking for adolescent depression treatment in Pasadena, CA? At HillsidesCares, we specialize in age-specific mental health programs for both teenagers and younger children. With our help, your teen can start making real strides in their recovery from SAD. Call us today at 323.641.4842 to find out more.
The ABCs of Seasonal Depression in Teens
Seasonal depression is a major depression that occurs only at certain times of the year. There are two such times: the first is when days grow notably shorter with the approach of winter, and the second is when days grow notably longer with the approach of summer.
SAD occurs most often in the fall and winter, and that’s true for teenagers, younger children, and adults. Symptoms remain in effect throughout most of the winter and begin to ease as the number of daylight hours increases. This pattern is reversed for the relatively few teens who experience their symptoms in the spring and summer.
Spotting the Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder in Teens
Does your child need a seasonal depression treatment program? The answer may be yes if you notice potential signs of SAD, such as:
- Sadness or a down mood
- An increase in negative thinking
- Loss of interest in things they normally enjoy
- Unusual fatigue
- Difficulty paying attention or concentrating
- Altered eating or sleeping patterns
Your affected teen may also start thinking about death, dying, or self-harm.
All of these issues are also common signs of depression in adults. However, seasonal depression in teens can look a bit different in some cases. For example, your child may be unusually angry or irritable instead of sad. They may also develop unusual aches and pains or seem unusually sensitive to criticism.
How a Seasonal Depression Treatment Program Can Help
What methods does an adolescent depression treatment program in California use to help your affected teen? If they’re impacted by fall/winter SAD, their symptoms may improve with increased exposure to light. Spending more time outside will provide some benefits in this area. However, your child may need phototherapy, which uses sessions of high-intensity light exposure to combat moderate or severe SAD symptoms.
In addition, your teen will likely benefit from psychotherapy. The preferred option for adolescent SAD treatment is cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The use of antidepressant medication may also be appropriate.
You can also help your child outside of their time in treatment. Common recommendations for parents of teens with SAD include:
- Encouraging your child to spend time outside and get some exercise
- Helping your teen establish a stable sleep routine
- Providing your child with a generally healthy, well-balanced diet
In addition, you can educate yourself about the illness and provide a supportive environment for your teenager’s recovery.
Contact HillsidesCares to Address Seasonal Depression in Teens
Seasonal affective disorder often affects teens and adults in similar ways. However, seasonal depression in teens can also differ in age-specific ways. No matter your child’s symptoms, effective treatment resources are available.
Do you think your teenager may need a seasonal depression treatment program? HillsidesCares is standing by with customized options designed for adolescents. We also feature resources for recovery from other forms of depressive illness. To get the treatment process underway, call us today at 323.641.4842 or contact us online.