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How Does Peer Pressure Affect Mental Health?

woman with her young daughter asking therapist how does peer pressure affect mental health in children and teens

During adolescence, your child experiences their peak exposure to peer pressure. In other words, they’re as susceptible as they ever will be to the influence of other people in their social group. This influence has a range of potential benefits for the typical teen. However, it also has its well-documented negative side. In fact, the negative impact of peer pressure helps explain why some teens need adolescent mental health treatment.

Are you concerned about the effects of peer influence on your child’s mental well-being? Talk to the professionals at HillsidesCares. Every day, we use our residential and outpatient care programs to help teens improve their sense of wellness. This is true whether the underlying concern is negative peer pressure or any other significant issue. Contact us today at 323.641.4842 for more information.

How Does Peer Pressure Affect Mental Health – The Positive Side

Every human being is subject to peer pressure. That’s inevitable, given our status as a social species. However, not all peer pressure is the same or produces the same effects. Depending on the situation, it can:

  • Be directed straight at someone
  • Take a more indirect form
  • Be spoken out loud
  • Take the form of unspoken cues or gestures

Crucially, peer pressure can also be positive or negative.

What is positive peer pressure? It’s a social influence that encourages your child to think and act in ways that support their well-being. This can mean a lot of different things. For example, your child’s friends may provide emotional support or encouragement. They may also help your teen avoid drugs or alcohol, do well in school, or strive to reach other healthy goals.

The Potential Negative Effects of Peer Pressure

Unfortunately, no discussion of peer pressure is complete without mentioning its downsides. How does peer pressure affect mental health in negative ways? By influencing your child to do things that don’t support their well-being. Exactly what that means can vary from case to case. Some of the most common negative effects of peer pressure include:

  • Destabilizing your child’s self-esteem
  • Encouraging the use of drugs or alcohol
  • Decreasing the odds that your child will do well in school
  • Encouraging involvement in bullying or other antisocial behavior
  • Taking part in risky or even criminal activities

Your child may also isolate themselves from you, your family, or former friends.

Effects of Peer Pressure on Mental Health Disorder Risks

As you might expect, peer pressure can have a substantial influence on your child’s exposure to mental health issues. How does peer pressure affect mental health risks in positive ways? By decreasing the odds that your child will develop a diagnosable disorder. The negative effects of peer pressure can lead to the opposite result.

What types of mental health problems are linked to negative peer pressure? In truth, most disorders have a potential peer-related risk. However, some conditions may be more closely linked to peer influences than others. That includes illnesses such as depression, anxiety disorders, and eating disorders.

What can you do if your child develops one of these condition? Perhaps the best option is to seek help from a treatment center that specializes in teen mental health, like HillsidesCares. We offer a range of treatment options to promote your teenager’s return to wellness.

Reach Out Today for Adolescent Mental Health Treatment at HillsidesCares

Peer pressure’s effects on mental health are crucial. That’s especially true for teenagers, who are most susceptible to this kind of pressure. On the positive side, peer influence can boost your child’s ability to stay mentally well. However, it can also have the opposite effect and increase mental health risks.

To find out more about the effects of peer pressure on mental health, call HillsidesCares today at 323.641.4842. You can also reach us online. We can help you better understand the influences affecting your teen child. In addition, we’re your source of specialized adolescent treatment.